Our goal is to deliver a product tangible, improved
and quantified by our independent professionals
that are associated with this WEB PROJECT, with
extensive experience in the mining industry
Inca Viejo_Salta
tools and minimize the RISK in our evaluation of "Mining Assets" and "Generating Value"
maximizing the benefits of the private and public sector in an efficient-efficient way that will allow
optimize decision making and generate social, environmental and technical-economic value
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GeoEconomic Flight Time / Experiencia

Detail GeoEconomic Flight Time

Time / Quantity (Q)



25 Q

Argentina, Panamá, Finlandia, Perú, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, USA, China, Mexico, Filipinas, Australia, Nicaragua, Kygyzstan, Canada, Brasil, Indonesia, Bolivia, Ghana, Uruguay, Senegal, Costa de Marfil, Sudafrica, Mali


75 Years

Total years: Mario=30; Julio= 24 and Jose=21


115 Q

Including precious and base metals, multi-elements deposits(Au, Ag, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, etc.) laterite-type deposits; sedimentary deposits (uranium, coal), iron hematite and magnetite deposits, and industrial minerals such as limestone, nitrate, iodine, lithium and graphite deposite

Projects Underground

15 Q

Projects Open Pit

90 Q

Published Articles

70 Q

Teaching / Lecturer

9 Years

Universities / Institutes (San Juan, San Luis, Córdoba, Catamarca, Rio Negro), Colorado School of Mines, Universiti of Bari. (See the CV file in next tap).

Technical Training

1500 Hours

Many countries and many companies. (See the CV file in the next tap).

Trainning in Leadership and Managment

500 Hours

Many countries and many companies. (See the CV file in the next tap).

Our maxim
A public or private organization that does not know its active principles, the sustainable arguments over time, for a specific Community-Region-Nation

Our Services

Resource Assessment

A public or private organization that does not know its mining assets cannot achieve or develop a legal-political-social economic-environmental policy with sustainable arguments over time.

Applied Geostatistics

Statistical-mathematical-geological quantification brings us closer to certainties and distances us from uncertainties.

QA / QC Data Management

Almost all decisions made regarding a mining project, from exploration to mine closure, are based on values obtained from sampled material.

Audit & Due Diligence

Being an expert (C.P. = Q.P.) brings us closer to quantifying the potential of the business and reducing uncertainties.

Reconciliation & Grade Control

The process of reconciliation and mineral control of our dynamic-daily business model versus the pre-established model in feasibility allows us to adjust the uncertainty of the business in the future.

Database Control

A correct administration of the databases maximizes the efficiency of the internal control processes of a company or organization of any kind.

Mining Geology

The daily advance mining geology must be dynamically reconciled with the pre-established geological model in the feasibility stage of the Project, in addition this daily advance must be used as a control and update to the pre-established geological model.

Geological Modeling

The geological model is the second pillar of the recoverable resources model, where it is the most subjective part for the construction of a geostatistical economic model of blocks and requires a deep knowledge of the geology, alterations, structure, mineralizations and genesis of the deposit.


The PGSc team is made up of professionals who teach at different universities and have developed different types of courses and workshops over the years, at the level of university students, graduates, postgraduates and professionals.

Collaborate with our venture

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