The initial stages of exploration in a certain metalliferous deposit of a green field for example, epithermal low or high sulphidation, skarn, porphyry ……, we are at the apex or hot point of the risk associated to an economic factor mainly, product of the effect “knowledge -comprehension-yacencia of the deposit “, the question is, do we keep investing? And because? And for what? What are the best tools that can be applied to quantify the associated risk?  When we decided to STOP a quantification of this risk ?, or to put a STOP to the exploration of a certain area, it is the effect of a quantum analysis ?, are we analyzing long-term variables, such as the future price-demand of a certain metal that is being explored ?, inevitably depend on short-term market variables ?, on geology, geochemistry, metallurgy ?, or it depends only of an executive decision?

1) Field Geology

2) Sampling and Geochemical analysis

3) Geophysics

4) Simulations & (GIS)

5) Drilling

6) Metallurgy

7) Social License

8) The Expert

Reference: “5.Fundamentos Modelo R&R_SIMIN_English_2009”, “4.Fundamentos Modelo R&R_SIMIN_2009”

Categories: Exploration


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